
Heinrichs Messtechnik GmbH
Robert-Perthel-Straße 9
50739 Köln

Tel.: +49 (221) 49708-0
Fax: +49 (221) 49708178

Feel Free to inform us of your Preferences and service requests via the form below. Kindly input your information and submit your inquiry. Our team will promptly reach out to you via email or phone.

For more details about our products, visit the download section.

We look forward to your service request and will be happy to assist you.

Please take note of our privacy policy.

Decontamination certificate

When returning the device, e.g. for maintenance or repair, it is mandatory that the decontamination certificate is completed and attached to the outside of the packaging.
Heinrichs Messtechnik GmbH explicitly points out that if the decontamination certificate is not received together with the goods, external cleaning of the devices will be arranged. The costs are to be paid in full by the customer.

Decontamination certificate